Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Huzzah! An Award for Your Interest and Concern for the World

Subject: Huzzah! An Award for Your Interest and Concern for the World
Date: September 10, 2008 12:39:34 PM PDT
To: {Anjaneek}
Cc: {Franklin}

Whereas, due to the extreme value placed upon Intellectual Property and Freedom of Expression held in the world, and

Whereas, Peter Paul Conlon Corless, author, game designer, business and technology consultant, known also as The Green Knight, places his ideas and ideals, along with his urgent and important business and personal thoughts and artistic notions in a notebook, and

Whereas, the most recent notebook in use by Peter Corless was lent into the production of the motion picture The American Dream, written, directed and produced by Doan Franklin Pham, upon this Saturday last, the 6th Day of September, the 9th Month of the Year, in the Year Two Thousand and Eight as reckoned by the Christian calendar, which is also the 5th Day of the 9th Month of Ramadan, in the Year One Thousand and Twenty Nine, as reckoned by the Islamic calendar, and

Whereas, Peter Corless, being both absent of mind and delinquent in his responsibilities, delighted yet distracted at approximately 3:29 pm by the incoming call of a new friend named Angela, left his precious intellectual property in the form of his notebook upon the set of the filming of The American Dream, and

Whereas, Anjaneek Kotecha, an interested and concerned citizen of the world, and a member of the cast of The American Dream, had the presence of mind and selfless kindness to collect the notebook, and

Whereas, Anjaneek Kotecha kept this same notebook safe and secure, knowing that it belonged to someone in the cast who would find its recovery quite precious, and

Whereas, Peter Corless, concerned in the loss of his property and interested in its recovery, through his own will and volition, offered a reward of Fifty Dollars of United States currency for the succesful recovery of his property, and

Whereas, Peter Corless, in glad recognition of the efforts of Franklin Pham and Anjaneek Kotecha for the recovery of his notebook, wishes to reward and recognize the efforts of his fellow film crew and cast members,


Let it be resolved that upon this day, the 10th Day of September, the 9th Month of the Year, in the Year Two Thousand and Eight as reckoned by the Christian calendar, which is also the 9th Day of 9th Month of Ramadan, in the Year One Thousand Twenty Nine, as reckoned by the Islamic calendar, that Peter Paul Conlon Corless hereby awards a “Huzzah!” in high praise of a fellow interested and concerned citizen of the world, and furthermore

Let it be resolved that upon this day, Peter Paul Conlon Corless hereby rewards Anjaneek Kotecha with this certificate of appreciation for her good deed, along with a reward through this certificate of Fifty Dollars of United States currency, redeemable through cash or cash equivalents, goods or services as she may desire and allowed by law. This offer is valid perpetually hereafter, to be redeemed at a time or place of choosing mutually fitting both Mister Corless and Miss Kotecha.

So have I committed and sworn, by my duty as the Green Knight, and as an interested and concerned citizen of the world as a member pledged to Global Understanding, so help me God.

-Peter Paul Conlon Corless.
360 Chiquita Avenue #4
Mountain View, CA 94041

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