Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good Hour’s Shooting, All Along the Watchtower

Yesterday was a wild ride. A true galloping adventure. Just as example of my circular and zig-zag existence:

• Mountain View
• Sunnyvale
• San Jose
• Los Altos
• Sunnyvale (again)
• Mountain View (again)
• Sunnyvale (thrice)
• Cupertino
• Sunnyvale (forth time’s a charm?)
• Mountain View (again)

I think I missed at least one more Mountain View and back to Sunnyvale trip.

Franklin and Phong saved a dog.

I saved someone’s life-long possessions.

Harshi and I sang “All Along the Watchtower” at the top of our lungs.

We all had Mexican food and ice cream.

We saved some of the best moments for the last of the daylight.

Franklin drained his car battery and needed a jump.

I drained my iPhone and left it that way until today.

We all expended a lot of energy.

A poor dog, now dubbed Carnelian, or Autumn, or Autumn Carnelian or some such, is now a checked-in patient right now. We were not responsible to the harm the dog suffered, and Franklin and Phong did their best to get him all the care he deserved. We hope and pray the poor pup is recuperating well this morning. Franklin has photos and can say more about what happened.

When all was said and done, the “afternoon” shoot in Rengstorff Park really turned into one hour of guerrilla footage-taking. The only thing held hostage was Franklin’s car battery, which required a pair of jumper cables to ransom back to freedom and life.

No park squirrels were harmed in the making of this film.

The shoot itself was rather magical to me. Odd, quirky. We were all a bit manic and yet utterly possessed by the Muses yesterday. Our work could be seen as an outsider as overwrought, wretched and wacky, or it could be entirely inspired and sublime.

I read aloud from Sir Gawaine & the Green Knight in Rengstorff Park the day following the Autumnal Equinox on my 44th Birthday. The first full day of Autumn. The green leaves grew all around, all around, the green leaves grew all around. You can hardly get more mystical than that.

In modern English, I got to explain who I was and what I do. How I hope I saved the olive tree. We showed how a “dead tree” was still alive. Harshi was telling me off like a wild sun-addled Marathi. We walked across a sunny glade as children played soccer all around us. We came to rest on a stone, the throne of the Fisher King. We made Harshi the Grail Knight, and then the new Grail King. My job done, I wandered off into the sunset. Cut! Then a secret ritual, a ceremonial scene witnessed only between Franklin and Harshi. And of course whatever divine power you believe in, and the squirrels.

I just got a call from the Park Ranger there. I left my backpack in the confusion. But the good people of the world are watching out for us. Just as Franklin and I looked out after a dog and a woman in Maryland.

Jimi Hendrix was on to something. Actually, Bob Dylan. All Along the Watchtower.

“There must be some kind of way out of here
Said the joker to the thief
There’s too much confusion
I can’t get no relief...”

Confused. Yet, oddly, quite relieving actually. A very refreshing day.

It was a pretty cool day, even though it was pretty hot. You know?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd, Filming at Rengstorff Park

Today we are going to go film a scene with me, Peter Corless, aka “The Green Knight,” encountering Harshi in Rengstorff Park. The park means a great deal to me.

Tonight I keep thinking about how my life is different after 9/11. I know what I got done this week. I know what I just did in real life today and tonight. I know how today, and this year, 2008, my 44th Year on Earth, was already different than 2001, and how 2009 is going to be even more different still.

Through the nascent Global Understanding Institute, I have already begun a project, 9/11 to 11/11 - From Tragedy to Truce - to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the end of World War I. “The Great War.” “The War to End All Wars.” I wish to change the dialogue of this country, and the world, towards a global armistice in the next 10 years, so that at the 100th Anniversary of 11/11/1918, at 11:11 am, we can all look around us and finally see the world in a reasonable state of peace, justice and harmony.

It is a vision. Now all we need is to get some reasonable majority of 7 billion people to agree to upholding that ideal. Vision is easy. Implimentation is the hard work.

Franklin, Harshi and I have become “Three Amigos” of late. Our fates in this project and in life are bringing us close together as friends. Brothers-in-arms in the War of Heart. Today’s filming is going to be very interesting. We’ve been envisioning it for quite a while now. I look forward to the actual shooting, and am eager to see the final result!

-Peter Corless.
Mt. View, California

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The last scene.

Brought to you by (click):

I would like to give a special thank to my director of photography and friend Phuong who made that American Dream possible and to my friend and Assistant Production Manager Peter Corless for his infinite patience.

We are now entering full post production. Thank you for your time and help, you make the impossible possible.

And let's not forget our sponsor linkvid... You guys are awsome. Next time, open flame barbecue on the set!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Change the reel.

Hello everyone, we are now done with the shooting, we are entering post production on Monday. Peter, it means that we have to talk. the green knight has be featured in this crazy piece of film, otherwise I am going to turn ballistic!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Huzzah! An Award for Your Interest and Concern for the World

Subject: Huzzah! An Award for Your Interest and Concern for the World
Date: September 10, 2008 12:39:34 PM PDT
To: {Anjaneek}
Cc: {Franklin}

Whereas, due to the extreme value placed upon Intellectual Property and Freedom of Expression held in the world, and

Whereas, Peter Paul Conlon Corless, author, game designer, business and technology consultant, known also as The Green Knight, places his ideas and ideals, along with his urgent and important business and personal thoughts and artistic notions in a notebook, and

Whereas, the most recent notebook in use by Peter Corless was lent into the production of the motion picture The American Dream, written, directed and produced by Doan Franklin Pham, upon this Saturday last, the 6th Day of September, the 9th Month of the Year, in the Year Two Thousand and Eight as reckoned by the Christian calendar, which is also the 5th Day of the 9th Month of Ramadan, in the Year One Thousand and Twenty Nine, as reckoned by the Islamic calendar, and

Whereas, Peter Corless, being both absent of mind and delinquent in his responsibilities, delighted yet distracted at approximately 3:29 pm by the incoming call of a new friend named Angela, left his precious intellectual property in the form of his notebook upon the set of the filming of The American Dream, and

Whereas, Anjaneek Kotecha, an interested and concerned citizen of the world, and a member of the cast of The American Dream, had the presence of mind and selfless kindness to collect the notebook, and

Whereas, Anjaneek Kotecha kept this same notebook safe and secure, knowing that it belonged to someone in the cast who would find its recovery quite precious, and

Whereas, Peter Corless, concerned in the loss of his property and interested in its recovery, through his own will and volition, offered a reward of Fifty Dollars of United States currency for the succesful recovery of his property, and

Whereas, Peter Corless, in glad recognition of the efforts of Franklin Pham and Anjaneek Kotecha for the recovery of his notebook, wishes to reward and recognize the efforts of his fellow film crew and cast members,


Let it be resolved that upon this day, the 10th Day of September, the 9th Month of the Year, in the Year Two Thousand and Eight as reckoned by the Christian calendar, which is also the 9th Day of 9th Month of Ramadan, in the Year One Thousand Twenty Nine, as reckoned by the Islamic calendar, that Peter Paul Conlon Corless hereby awards a “Huzzah!” in high praise of a fellow interested and concerned citizen of the world, and furthermore

Let it be resolved that upon this day, Peter Paul Conlon Corless hereby rewards Anjaneek Kotecha with this certificate of appreciation for her good deed, along with a reward through this certificate of Fifty Dollars of United States currency, redeemable through cash or cash equivalents, goods or services as she may desire and allowed by law. This offer is valid perpetually hereafter, to be redeemed at a time or place of choosing mutually fitting both Mister Corless and Miss Kotecha.

So have I committed and sworn, by my duty as the Green Knight, and as an interested and concerned citizen of the world as a member pledged to Global Understanding, so help me God.

-Peter Paul Conlon Corless.
360 Chiquita Avenue #4
Mountain View, CA 94041

Flowers in the Cracks / Global Understanding - Take Pictures on September 11, 2008

I mentioned the movie in my own blog today. Hope you enjoy!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Pete’s Notebook

Did anyone see my notebook? I had lent it to the production to keep track of the scenes we were shooting. It was left on a table.

I do not believe I collected it at the end of the shoot. It wasn’t in my backpack when I checked for it today.

Franklin is already doing detective work.

I tried to call Lost & Found, but they didn’t have it. I left a message for Mike, the Residential Life Coordinator.

SJSU Lost & Found

Courtesy Desk
Opens 4 pm

Residential Life Coordinator

Today, my American Dream is that I can find my notebook! Wish me luck.

Note: If you have my green-covered spiral notebook, give me a call at 650-906-3134. I am willing to offer a $50 reward for its recovery.


Sunday, September 7, 2008


Saturday’s shoot was marvelous! We had our epic drama (including an unplanned pyrotechnic special effect), wonderfully sublime ad libbed dialog (provided by everyone), and the most ironic and comic of moments (Harshi’s run: “No sweat!”).

Thank you, to everyone who showed up, who contributed the equipment, the food and drink, their professional expertise, and to everyone for committing their love, time, energy, best thoughts, hopes and genuine expressions to the project.

Onwards to adventure!

-Peter Corless.
The Green Knight

Crew and Cast

But where is my director of photography?????

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cinéma Vérité

An interesting article from Wikipedia on Cinéma Vérité.

The American Dream explores what is fact, and what is fiction. What is real, and what is a dream. What is important and eternal, and what is ephemeral and passing.

What is real is that I just printed up a dozen signs:

See you tomorrow morning!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

If you are reading those words...

Instruction in comment...

Meeting for the cast 9:00 AM CAMPUS VILLAGE.

"The American Dream" a 25 min short

The plot is following the life of an Indian student (Harshi) who is trying to propose to his girlfriend (Zarin). It is very hard to commit to such a beautiful girl especially when you have no job; no car (you can't afford gas), no American citizenship and you can't even speak English.
It is even more difficult when you are seeking help from imaginary friends! His circle of friends is the byproduct of his wild imagination and at this point in time, the audience is now questioning every bit and pieces of the storyline. Who is real? Is everything an illusion? Is the potential bride's best friends imaginary friends too? Where lies the truth? The short film will definitely have a chick flick / fight club/romance tone to it.

The Last Scene:
The end of the movie responds to every question. Inside a restaurant, Zarin is listening to Harshi's proposal. And she refuses it. It is mid day, the tension is rising, a ring is being seen on screen:
_The beginning of our relationship started great, but I think we have to give it a break. Your shit is a mess Harshi, I cannot stand your paranoia anymore. You are crazy, and I don't want to be crazy.
_If I have to be separated from you to love you, so be it.
At that point in time, Zarin is alone inside the restaurant. She is alone talking to herself, because Harshi does not exist, he never existed in the first place. Harshi is the by product of a very disturbed woman who filled the void of her life with people and places that does not exist.

This is the story line that the American audience will understand. The real storyline though is a bit different. But why?
1 Every actors on the set are foreigners. They will speak in their mother tongue.
2 What they will say on screen will not follow the plot you have just read.
3The American audience will have to read bogus subtitle to follow the plot of the movie.
4The story takes place before the 911 attack and the audience will notice it quickly. The story ends the day of the attack on WTC.
4The actors will respond to an interview, the American Dream:

So what will they say on the set???:
Well if everything is going well, more than 15 interviews will be recorded

So what is the American Dream?
It is a series of interview from foreigners who lives in America. They will have to answers these questions. Who are you? What is your American Dream? What does it represent to you? These are the questions that will be answered by the cast. Thus you. This is the real point of the story. It is your opportunity to express your ambition, to be the representative of your community, your minority in America.
Be your own voice, create your own trajectory. Saturday 6th of September will prove to the audience that 911 haven't change anything to the American Dream.
I am still looking for people that can speak Esperanto and sign language though. And I am still looking for a make up artist.

Dress with your favorite cloths, expect some serious fun.

As you may already imagine, this movie is the illustration of my American Dream and it is going to be my first movie. We are running on a tight budget but I really hope that I was able to spark your interest. If I wasn't successful in doing so in the course of that website, I still believe that I can do it in a real life meeting.

You can contact me at

Remember, the shoot will not end until the movie will be edited.

Thank you for your time and help,

You make my dream happening.

for more information, please read the previous post.

Filming Schedule: 6 September 2008

The American Dream
6 September 2008
Production Day 1

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Pacific Time


• San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA
• Gather in front of Campus Village
• South 10th Street, between E Paseo de San Carlos & E San Salvador Street

For more maps & directions:

SJSU Main Campus maps & buildings
MapQuest of nearby neighborhood & link to driving directions


• 8:00 AM sharp: Crew gathers in front of the Campus Village, SJSU, San Jose, California. Crew welcome & signing of forms.

• 8:15 AM: Crew security overview. Prepare lights and sound. Expectations, workflow, roles & responsibilities for crew.

• 8:45 AM sharp: Actors gather in front of the Campus Village, SJSU, San Jose, California. Cast welcome & signing of forms.

• 9:00 AM sharp: Cast and Crew mingle & meet. Cast security overview. Go over day's production schedule. Expectations, workflow, roles & responsibilities for cast.

• 9:30 AM: Shooting begins.

• 10:00 AM: 15 minute break.

• 12:00 PM (Noon): 30 minute break for Lunch.

• 12:30 PM: Shooting resumes.

• 2:00 PM: Projected wrap time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And... Action!

This Saturday, the 6th of September, 2008, The American Dream begins filming on the campus of San Jose State University (SJSU).

This blog is to document and help facilitate the life of this movie. From pre-production, through production, into post-production. On through marketing, release and distribution.

The movie is being made based on the drive of one central creative principal, Franklin Pham. To this, he has recruited the unbridled enthusiasm and contributory efforts of dozens. The envisioning of a story can take place in a single mind. The bringing to fruition of a motion picture requires the willingness and cooperation of many. Sort of the inverse of “E Pluribus Unum” — Out of many one. In this case, out of one, many. “E Unumus Pluri?”

This is The American Dream.

Cast & Crew

• Franklin Pham is the Writer, Director and Producer. He will also be cast in a small part, as himself.

• Peter Corless is Marketing Director, Lighting Supervisor, Producer's Assistant. He will also be cast in a small part, as himself.

The rest of the cast and crew list reads like a typical Bay Area polyglot of names from around the world: Ron, Kim, Baback, Jesse, Tri, Vien-Phong, Yash, Zauer, Aurelien, Philippe, Mohit, Piyush, Harshi, Zareen, Cesar, Naveed, Rahul, Joanna, Will, Ekaterine, Young Lee, Silvia, Reed.

In due time more of their stories will be told. For this is The American Dream. Their American dream. Our American dream. Your American dream.

Right now, let’s share only two dreams briefly.

Franklin’s Dream

Franklin Pham came to the San Francisco Bay Area from Paris, France. His heritage is Vietnamese. In a way, he is an artistic migrant worker. His day, and his life journey, is centered around where his passion lies. As an artist, photographer, and film maker, Franklin’s vision is cosmopolitan, pluralistic, natural, yet crisp and intelligent. Ironically real and magically witty.

Like many people, Franklin has a way of stepping into events far larger than himself. Yet unlike so many, rather than retreat when he sees the enormity of the issue, Franklin begins to ask questions, to take photographs. And listens, and laughs.

The American Dream
is far larger a subject matter than any one cinematic eye can take in in a lifetime. Yet Franklin has the bravery to look that dream in the eye and smile. He also has a plan to take fleeting snapshots of that dream and condense them all into a short film, to be released in 2009.

Peter’s Dream

Peter Corless worked through design, support and marketing in the gaming, computing and networking industries to find himself a venture capitalist and small business owner. He founded and was President of Celebrate History, sat on the Board of the Silicon Valley WebGuild, and also began Green Knight Publishing to explore the world of King Arthur’s Britain through books, games and other entertainments. After a while, he found the term “human” and “humanitarian” the most appealing of all.

More recently, he was a founder in 2006 of Flowers in the Cracks, an artist’s movement celebrating the renewal of life, and, in 2008, of the Global Understanding Institute, a new worldwide organization for conflict monitoring, analysis and resolution.

Shared Dream and Vision

Peter met Franklin on the sun-dappled streets of Mountain View, California, where they became brothers-in-arts after engaging in an insightful dialog over freedoms — of speech, of religion, of economy and profit, and of assembly. Yet the metadialog was clear: “We have to talk more!”

Thereafter, Franklin Pham became a member of both Flowers in the Cracks (attending his first get-together Aug 2, 2008) and the Global Understanding movement (upon its inception Aug 19, 2008). As Franklin’s friend, and as founder of Flowers in the Cracks and the Global Understanding Institute, Peter is offering his full support for this production.

Franklin’s film will include philosophical elements and motifs to support both movements. What is nearly mystical is this: Franklin’s film vision was already set.

The story. The commitment to production. The magical yet entirely true reality is that, by chance or seeming chance, both of these men would meet and align their visions and their works side-by-side. Many of those who came together for this production have similar and just as passionate life-long reasons to align to Franklin’s creative voice and directorial vision.

Perhaps The American Dream has its own plans for all involved far larger than this single short film! Perhaps one of a more perfect union, inspired by a common cause to action.

This is only one pair of social bonds that holds the production together. Over time, you will come to know other names and stories. The web of friendship, ethics, beliefs, passions, hopes and joy that formed the cast and crew, and hold this production group together.

Welcome to our show. Your show. Enjoy!